The Books
Olof Rudbeck is considered to be a true universal genius of early Swedish modernity, blazing the trail in many fields. He is most known for his early studies of the lymphatic system, by some claimed to be its’ first discoverer. Later in life when his colleague Olof Verelius asked of him to make a map of Sweden for his publication of the newly found tale Hervarar Saga, as Rudbeck read it and mapped out Sweden, he found peculiar similarities between Hervarar Saga, Swedish geography and the ancient classical texts. This led him to find other connections and expanded upon the Swedish historical tradition of Gothicism and the Hyperborean School (Hyperboreiska skolan), which claim that many important historical peoples such as the Goths, Scythians and Hyperboreans, are from Scandinavia. Rudbeck added Atlantis, Thule, Ogygia, the Galls, Moores and many others to this origin.
The research amounted to the books Atland or Manheim, first published in 1677 and after he died in 1702 after the fire of Uppsala, the fourth volume was published in its’ unfinished form posthumously. It had then tallied up to near 3000 pages, making it an extraordinarily ambitious rewriting of history.
It has today been thrown in the historical dust bin, mocked for the linguistic connections between otherwise seemingly unrelated peoples and places.
This site’s goals
My goal is to, with my never-ending curiosity for ideas outside of consensus reality, make up my own mind as to what degree this work deserves its’ now quite settled place in the backrooms of discarded intellectual thought. I believe you dear visitor, who might also share this impulse, can be a great partner in this exciting project, which consists of two main parts;
- One, to understand the logical chain of the Work fully, and in that way contribute to the debate on this subject from a now virtually non-existent pro-side.
- Two, to translate the Work, enabling all you non-Swedish (and Latin) speakers to take the journey of the first project as well.
With a translation in place, both a personal understanding of the logical chain, as well as the veracity of the individual parts, can be achieved with much more ease and accuracy, thanks to the community we will build together. With that I hope and believe a comparison with modern understandings will emerge in tandem organically.
This is me
My name is Ludvig Eklöf and I am from the country this website is largely about, Sweden. I have had many hobbies and interests throughout my life, the most persistent ones being music and ideas. It started with Ludwig Wittgenstein’s idea that the limits of your language is the limits of your world in my early teenage years, and have dove into countless topics ever since. Around 2016 I found the conspiratorial sphere on the internet, where Michael Tsarion eventually became one of my favorite researchers. He once stated that the best way to understand world history was to look in your backyard, so to speak. This planted a seed in me, which started to grow as soon as I found out about Atland or Manheim.