Olof Rudbeck’s




Or Atlantis, Ogygia, Thule and many others, today known as the scandinavian peninsula.

Explore the idea that the Scandinavian peninsula is Atlantis, the origin of a large part of the Peoples, Cultures and Gods of the classical world.

De-Mystifying Atlantis

A look in front of our noses instead of trying to find a forgone continent. Simple, right?

Plato’s texts are usually interpreted in two ways. Either that it is all fictional, a metafor for a perfect state; or in a literal way, that it describes a continent and its’ destruction by natural catastrophes. This work does a fair mix of both, either interpretation justified at the back-end by the foundational comparison of Nordic culture, history and mythology, with foreign ancient texts, where the sometimes striking similarities when seen in symphony, paint the picture of Scandinavia. This is what makes this so much more than just an Atlantis theory, as Rudbeck marries the written history as a whole with his new understanding, making this essentially His-story we get to follow.

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